Friday, September 14, 2012

Training children Early Financial Intelligence

kids with money

Children need to understand money, so as not to grow into a consumerist and materialistic. It is important for parents to train children early financial intelligence.

Child psychologist said financial intelligence can be introduced to children from toddlers. Financial intelligence should be introduced at an early age, since toddlers can so the child can manage the money and take the right decisions about finances.

Materialistic because many children do not develop financial intelligence. The doctrine of this money expansive meaning, rather than simply introducing value for money, but its use.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Benefits of Fasting For Kids

fasting kids

In the fasting month, have the children been taught how to fast? Even though fasting is required to withstand hunger, thirst, and appetite, but you do not have to worry children will dehydrate the body and stunted development.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

7 must have Skills for your kids

shopping kids

Nutritious foods, healthy body, good education, good manners and good religious instruction to the attention of all parents of children face the world in the future. For each of the parents realize that children do not live with them forever. One time they will mature and start her own life. Well, the parents certainly hope the children will be independent, get a decent livelihood and well received by the environment.

Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Ways to Express Love to your Children

It is appropriate child receives outpouring of love from their parents. And, there are many ways to show love for children. According to psychologist Rustika Thamrin, love can not be said with words, but also with body language such as touch and deeds. However, the need for consistency to express feelings of love, so that children can develop positive self attitude in him.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Five causes of children do not like to stay at home

playing kids

I wonder why so school-age children often play outside the house. Dr Weny Savitry Sembiring Psi, MSI have the following five reasons explain the solution.

1. Do not have a regular schedule.
Children who are not accustomed to having a schedule since childhood, finally tends to use his time in vain. Whenever she wanted to do something, do instantly without considering anything else. If he still wants to play, he will continue playing, no matter had not had lunch, not bathing, not doing homework and so on.
Solution: Create a daily schedule. If it was not able, her mother and father can help create. Home from school, change clothes, lunch, after which a break or a nap. Then, wake up, shower, if there are no lessons or activities at school, probably around 1-2 hours, then do homework or schoolwork. Performed on a regular schedule and will continue to make children get used to. If there were not tired of reminding the violated.

2. There are no events of interest.
Lacks of activities or hobbies that are of interest to children spend their time just to play.
Solution: Parents should be keen to see and direct the child's talents or interests. If the child looks interested in football or music, facilitation to join the football club or a music school. Oriented activities such as this is more useful, channeled his interest in a proper way.

3. Lack of good communication.
Children who lack good communication with parents have a tendency to always play outside the home. Parents who always blame the child, criticized, banned, and so on, or parents who fought constantly, this will make the child feel comfortable, so there is opportunity out, he will use it. The danger, if the child is happier outside the home, he could fall in unhealthy relationships and even drugs.
Solution: Try the approach in children, while casually talking to why he always wanted to play outside the home. Make this conversation as a casual conversation; do not blame the child or cornering. If he does not stand up to blaze with the situation at home, do not be angry, be self-introspection, do the repairs so that children feel at home again. If necessary, involve experts, in this case a psychologist, to help people find a way out.

4. Character of the child support.
Certain characters, such as, children with kinesthetic intelligence, generally can not be told to stay home, he liked the broad field of activities. So it felt like to always play outside.
Solution: Look for activities that are beneficial to overcome the excess. Such as by listing them in sports clubs or extracurricular activities at school. Do not get because parents do not realize this, that there is actually a fight every day with the kids, because they feel the child continued to play outdoors, is not willing to learn, and so forth.

5. No friends at home.
Children who are always alone in the house, but living in an environment where many children her own age, are more likely to be tempted to play with. Every day after school or evening he heard the other children busy playing outside, he inevitably comes into play.
Solution: Prohibit the child from the house at all is definitely not a wise choice. Should provide clear rules or limits, how long should play, any day, combine with other solutions such as tutoring include or incorporate it into the club.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Why The Feeling unrivaled brother?

In preschool, children can engage in competition with his brother who was a baby or toddler. What causes it?

1. Need recognition. At the age of 3-5 years, children already have the desire to excel. He felt more able, more capable, more intelligent than brother or sister, and need to get recognition for it. The preschool will make it even knows achievement awarded (in the form of praise or reward) so that more and raced to keep up with the brother.

2. Not to be outdone. Children do not want to lose. Behavior arises because the child wants to get attention from the "environment" in the vicinity. Do not want to lose this sense will be strengthened when people who are considered "rivals" are people who are closest to him, including his brother.

3. Portion of interest is much reduced. If previously sister hard enough to get attention, along with the presence of younger (infants), attention is gradually receding as divided. Discomfort is what is causing the conflict brother and sister. Brother thought, a little brother culprit that makes the outpouring of parental concern and the environment against reduced.

4. Parental attitudes. Sometimes busy taking care of the little one still in its infancy, making the parents did not give enough attention to the bigger children. Or when there is conflict in older children (older toddlers preschoolers with siblings), parents always defended the younger without understanding the conditions that actually happened. Treatment parents often make comparisons.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ending your children bedtime routine with a quality bedtime story

bedtime story

alot of parents face the challenge of putting their children to sleep around bedtime frequently it takes an hour or a lot of to complete this daily battle.
A very effective answer to the present drawback is to introduce a bedtime routine to your children.
By doing constant set of rituals throughout bedtime, it creates a way of security and reliability in their mind that makes them feel a lot of relax when getting to sleep.
A good idea to finish your kids' bedtime routine is reading bedtime story.
Why is that this therefore vital to your kids?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 Negative Impacts of "Gadgets" to Children's Achievement

The gadget does not just make kids cool for hours, but also pointed out can reduce children's achievement later when he entered the school level. This is consistent with a simple observation pistil School Indonesia against four students, who sat in the same class and got the same treatment.
This observation started since they were sitting in class Dede (education for preschoolers). Three students have the same age that is three years, while the other 2.5 years. The fourth of these students have the same ability, the difference is a hobby.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Parents attitudes that could hinder Child Achievement

Each unique interests and talents can make their children be children who excel. Only, the formation of a winning mentality and achievements they need the support of parents, families, and the immediate environment of children.
"The support parents give a huge influence on a child's success in the field," says psychologist Mira D. Amir in Jakarta.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teach Children Ethics Borrowing and Sharing

Stimulation of the values ​​and ethics of sharing and borrowing someone else can be done through daily activities at home. One thing that should be remembered, when the child has to understand, then be able to apply them in everyday life, the children are entitled to an award. This award is important to further cultivate the spirit so that children can repeat the positive behavior. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Give an example.Do not blame the child who took the toy when the friend's parents do not respect other people's property. When viewing a pair of scissors lying owned subsidiary, parent company to use it, then put it back afterwards. It would be nice if a parent says, "Kak, borrowed her scissors used to cut the plastic for a while. I'll return it back to the table Mother's brother." Do not forget to say thank you later. Remember, for example by action, is more powerful than words. Children tend to practice everything he sees.
2. Apply the rules.Apply the rules are not written to the home environment, if you want to borrow someone else's property must request permission in advance to the owner. By applying this rule, the child will understand the ethical or borrow other people's manners. Budayakan also share the habit at home. When children forget, try to remind you, "Wait, you forgot to say something?" The child may say, "Uh, yes sorry, Mother, may I borrow your pen for a moment?"
3. Recommend how to share.Instill in children the importance of shared values. It can be applied when the have food, then take your sister to share her sister. When the cake of two, children can share each one. When the cake one, the child can cut first, then the pieces were distributed to a sister or a friend. In addition to sharing food, parents can also share the play toy.
sharing could use a time, alternating every 10 minutes. Can also use a completion of the game. After the child completed a level playing angry birds for example, then turn to the next level friends who play it.
When each carrying toys, teach kids about barter. kids can play a friends toys, while his friends played a child's toy. More fun because each seemed to have a new toy.
When it is implemented on a regular basis, will be a growing awareness in the child would share the beauty. The same thing applies to toys.