Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 Negative Impacts of "Gadgets" to Children's Achievement

The gadget does not just make kids cool for hours, but also pointed out can reduce children's achievement later when he entered the school level. This is consistent with a simple observation pistil School Indonesia against four students, who sat in the same class and got the same treatment.
This observation started since they were sitting in class Dede (education for preschoolers). Three students have the same age that is three years, while the other 2.5 years. The fourth of these students have the same ability, the difference is a hobby.

Three students enjoy using the gadget, while one (2.5 years old) prefer to read and not infatuated with gadgets. In daily life, the three students are actively playing gadget. Based on observations of behavior at home, of the three children, one child playing gadget is not controlled, or have full freedom to use the gadget. While the other two controls. That is, they are allowed to use the gadget, but no time limit, though not too tight. In that sense can be more than an hour, but still not given full freedom.
Throughout the following levels of education in Indonesia pistil School, fourth grade students is always one, so long as to attend a school, they are treated the same. The result, seen as they sat in elementary school. Achievement of three children who are exposed gadget looks down from a student who is not exposed to the gadget.
Meanwhile, children who diligently read and not exposed to the gadget, the better the performance, even able to go beyond the children who are exposed to the gadget. According to the observations of the school, the gadget can affect several developmental and learning achievement of children, namely:
1. Concentration decreased.Children decreased concentration when studying. Concentration becomes shorter and do not care about the environment. Children prefer to imagine as the character he plays the game frequently uses his gadget.
2. Affect the ability to analyze problems.When learning, the child does not want to look for data and are not challenged to perform the analysis. Children want something fast-paced and immediate visible results. There is also a process to achieve the end result was ignored.
3. Lazy writing and reading.Gadgets to make children lazy writing and reading. With the gadget, then it becomes easier to write activity, this influencing writing skills of children. Not only that, the device seemed more visually appealing and seductive, as it can be demonstrated in accordance with reality. As a result, children become lazy to read. Because, reading requires children to develop imagination of the conclusions read.
4. The decline in social skills.Children become indifferent to the environment and do not understand social ethics. Children do not know, if there is a lot of people want something similar, then it must stand in line to order. This happens because the child does not understand that there is a process. What is desired and realized there must be immediate, because it used to get an understanding through games or spectacle.

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