On child shy or bold extremes, usually found to be brain damage. Examples can be seen in children with special needs are divided into two, very shy (passive) or very brave.
Attitude Extreme bold or shy also seen in children who often receive negative treatment of parents. Unwittingly, this treatment can cause a child's brain is damaged.
Keep in mind, in the growth and development, a child's brain nerves are still in the process of interconnected. When the child's parents often yell, scold, or degrading words and deeds rough, and various other unsavory attitude, the soul of the child becomes distressed.
This pressure resulted in the failure of the linkage is broken and the nerve cells of the brain. If you've suffered damage certainly need time to rebuild. Repair was not perfect because the former will take the damage already settled.
In addition,
children are often negative addressed will also form a way of thinking that is not optimal. Information received by the child is not going to get to the center of his brain, but only processed in the brainstem alone, making it difficult for him to be able to think logically.
Therefore, it is necessary parenting that can make children happy and confident without him spoiled and not independent. Among other closely and carefully deal with children, spoke with a gentle intonation, and a parent who was able to be flexible in all situations. All this will help your child have a positive experience that will shape the course of development, like any good cognitive mental state.